Bathrooms are places of sanctuary in many homes. A place where we go to relax, cleanse, and recharge. However, they can also be spaces that get pretty stuffy and muggy if not ventilated well. An unventilated bathroom can promote the growth of mould and bacteria, and build-up quite a nasty smell too.

Keep your bathroom as your happy place (without stuffiness or bad smells) by ensuring you have the right ventilation fan system installed. A good bathroom ventilation fan will keep the air circulating properly in the room ensuring it remains fresh and comfortable all day long.

In this blog, we take a look at the importance of bathroom ventilation and the different types of ventilation fans out there.

What is A Bathroom Ventilation Fan?

A ventilation fan is the term given to mechanical ventilation devices that are commonly installed in wet areas like bathrooms, changerooms, and toilets that draws air out of the room and expels it outdoors via a fan and tube system. In the bathroom, a bathroom ventilation system will draw moisture and bad smells out of the room, which will vastly improve the air quality and freshness.

The Types of Bathroom Ventilation Fans?

There are quite a variety of bathroom ventilation fans in South Africa. They range in size, styles, colours, and designs and some even have fixtures like lights or heat lamps built-in to them as well. The most common types of ventilation systems are:

  • Standalone vent and fans that are built-into the ceiling. They only function to suck indoor air outdoors
  • Vents with fans, lights, and/or heat lamps to add additional fixtures and features to the room.

Knowing which ventilation fan is best for you will depend on your unique needs, and what you’re looking for. You’ll have to take into consideration the size of your bathroom, be it large or small, the amount of windows and other ventilation points already in the room, as well as what budget you have for fixtures like ventilation fans.

At CTM, we not only supply products and materials for bathroom renovations but we can also advise on fixtures like ventilation systems. Chat to our Bathroom Renovations team today for more advice.

The Advantages of a Bathroom Ventilation Fan

Wondering whether or not to install a ventilation fan system in your bathroom? Here are five advantages of installing a fan system in your bathroom that will make a huge difference to your air quality and comfort levels in that space.

#1 – Fans Eliminate Steam

You won’t have to crack open every window you have after you’ve showered or bathed to release the steam, which is particularly annoying in the dead of winter. Bathroom fans take the steam out of the bathroom quickly and effortlessly.

#2 – Fans Remove Moisture Quickly

A bathroom fan gets rid of moisture quickly, which helps to prevent the damage water droplets can inflict on bathroom surfaces.

#3 – They Are Noiseless

You won’t even know you have a bathroom ventilation fan installed, that’s how quiet they are. They get the job done well and quietly too.

#4 - They Can Replace Existing Overhead Lighting

If you choose a ventilation system that includes lighting fixtures too, you’re effectively creating a two in one system. If you’re renovating a bathroom space, consider a ventilation fan with a light to replace old overhead lighting.

#5 – They Can Warm A Bathroom Too

Have you ever wished you can put a heater in the bathroom to warm it up in winter? Choose to install a ventilation fan system with a heat lamp attached to work as both a ventilator system and a heater in one.

CTM has you covered when it comes to all things bathroom! Chat to us today about what fixtures and features to put into your bathroom to make your space that much more cosy, functional and beautiful, shop at CTM online today.